I was getting nervous that I may miss this show, the big flakes of snow continued to fall through the morning and into the afternoon this Saturday. Luckily it never stuck and the water on the road never turned to slush nor froze so the hour long drive to Greensboro was no issue. Snake Baptist had to unfortunately drop this show which is a bummer because I was excited to finally take pictures of my friends’ band… plus they all spazz out when they play so I’m sure I would end up with some interesting pictures. BrainxToilet went on first, they have added a bass player to the mix. This band is comprised of Jeremy who is a really competent guitar player, but is still killer playing drums in this band. Both Jeremy and the singer Jordan play in Priapus, and this band isn’t too different of a band. They opened with an almost ignorant metal/hardcore sounding song that was pretty awesome. Thick Skin went on next and had a killer set. I didn’t realize they had members from Over and Out who I saw a month back. Definitely dug Thick Skin’s sound a lot more. They all seemed to be super good friends with Last Words who went on last. Last Words is Raleigh homies and I’m glad to see people get buck for them in other towns. They surprised me and pulled out an Agnostic Front with a friend of Marina’s singing (see the first song in the video posted below). Pretty cool show space, it appeared to be a DIY collective coffee shop/meeting space in Guilford College. I hope to see more shows there!