Went to this show with my co-worker for his birthday and we met up with someone else at work from another department for dinner and beers for them. Got a killer vegan burger and walked down to the show in the rain. It is always great to see Ricky, Steve, and John and I still haven’t talked too much to the new guitar player of Torche but we talked for a second and he is pretty nice. As we walked up I heard a familiar Bats & Mice song and was glad I hadn’t missed much of their set. I have known about the band for several years as I had been a big Sleepytime Trio fan back in the day. I believe they had an addition to their normal crew, an ex-member of the White Octave I believe. Great performance. Torche went on and I never have any complaints about them. They played a new song off their new EP that was killer, a good indication of where they are headed. Glad I finally got pictures of them and really glad I got to see both bands. Steve is also in Floor and I heard word they are touring soon and Rick and John are in Shitstorm who are putting out a few new records and hopefully touring on those releases soon.